The 8th Shatin Inter-School Scrabble Competition (2024)

比賽類別: 一般
日期: 2024-04-06 (星期六)
主辦: Hong Kong Scrabble Players Association
性質: 校外舉辦
Congratulations to our outstanding students 4B周寶心、4D黎美伊、4E梁倬睿、4E黃子、6C謝靜琪 for winning the Primary Category (Team) Champion in The 8th Shatin Inter-School Scrabble Competition 2024!
Baptist (Sha Tin Wai) Lui Ming Choi Primary School
地址: 新界沙田圓洲角路八號
Address: 8 Yuen Chau Kok Road, Shatin, N.T.
電話: 2647 6242
傳真: 2635 0132
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